time is different here...some journeys through dreaming
A special event for the extraordinary spaces of Talliston House & Gardens, Great Dunmow, Essex.
Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th February 2019
Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th February 2019
time is different here...some journeys through dreaming
an intimate, immersive performance event for small audiences
Something strange is happening at Talliston...
Boundaries are dissolving, thresholds blurring. Strange musics, sounds & artefacts
slip between the spaces as time hazes.
Is someone dreaming Talliston, or is Talliston dreaming itself?
Join us & explore: bring your dreams, your haunts, & prepare to enter the liminal spaces.
Interweaving elements from the Talliston narratives with our own, our event augments Talliston's unique spaces with specially designed soundscapes, live performed sound, interactive additions to the rooms' contents,
as well as interactions with the performer-musicians.
On returning from their journey, guests have the opportunity to enjoy refreshments & discuss the event with the creators & performers. Each guest will receive a special memento of the event to take home.
~ scroll down for more information about the amazing spaces of Talliston ~
~ click here for information about booking ~
Talliston House & Gardens
25 years in the making, Talliston is the creative dream made real of John Trevillian. Starting with an ordinary semi-detached ex-council house in a village in Essex, the 13 rooms & spaces of the house are each transformed,
transporting the visitor to a different place & time.
Each has its own layers of history & inhabitation. Each has been transformed with materials
sourced from travels around the globe - but the metamorphosis is not only material:
sound & scent are also layered to make the transformation complete.
with grateful thanks to the extraordinary John Trevillian, & all at Talliston
all Talliston photos © Gavin Conlan / © GilesG Photography